1930'S TO 1960'S
A summary of events from the 1932 earthquake onwards.
1831: The Hawke’s Bay earthquake caused huge devastation across the region, causing the tectonic plate to rise at Napier and drop between 75 cm and 1.8 metres along the Cape Coast and alter river gradients.
Around 1936: Haumoana completely flooded; the first concrete retaining walls placed along the beach front are buried under shingle.
From 1961: Te Awanga Progressive Association (TAPA) carries on the legacy of drainage, flooding, lagoon and coastal concerns of the various societies it replaced from the late 1930s Beach erosion petitions and local action is a regular on the agenda.
1964: 4.5 m of grass and shingle eroded from Te Awanga beach. Residents petition HB County Council to investigate protection measures.
Late 1960s: Managed retreat cited as an option for areas of Haumoana and Te Awanga; often cynically by members of the Hawke’s Bay Catchment Board or County Council or when community petitions, meetings and requests for protection fail to gain traction (1973, 1974).