2013 TO 2017
A summary of events from the 1932 earthquake onwards.
2012 and 2013: Caucus meetings held between MCCL and T&T to agree on the basic assumptions in the groyne scheme and the work required ahead of a consent. This includes ways to reduce the large amount of shingle (300,000 m3) allegedly required for mitigating downstream impacts.
Late 2013: The Tangoio to Clifton Coastal Hazards Strategy 2120 group is proposed, this will be at least the fifth time a joint council group has been formed to look at solutions to erosion along the Cape Coast.
June 2013: WOW prevented from submitting an alternative stage one lower cost, shorter groyne plan to protect Cape View Corner to Hastings annual plan. Told all coastal work on hold until an all-of-coast strategy is determined.
2014: The Coastal Hazards Strategy group and its Technical Advisory Group (TAG), formed to create an all-of-coast strategy.
May 2016: Tonkin & Taylor’s Hazard Assessment and Coastal Risk reports presented to Coastal Hazards group.
June 2016: WOW encouraged to learn HDC now has $150,000 set aside for shingle protection at Cape View Corner ahead of proposed protection works.
July 2016: Hastings District Council as part of its 10-year Hastings Cape Coast Reserves Management Plan proposes to invest a million dollars in planting native species along the coast. It is also preparing a second HBR consent application (the first was rejected) to raise the beach crest to an optimal height and plant it as part of protection works.
September 2016: The Cape Coast Arts & Heritage Trust becomes a legal entity, working with Hastings Council and others to promote Cape Coast history and have information sites placed along the cycle track from Black Bridge to Clifton to raise the profile of the coastal villages as places of ecological, historical and creative significance.
February 2017: Northern (Tangoio to Napier) and southern cell (Awatoto to Clifton) committees begin nine month process of evaluating options, solutions and related outcomes.